Tuesday, July 31, 2012

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A way to take levothyroxine for weight loss

levothyroxine for weight loss
Photo Credit Jupiterimages/Polka Dot/Getty Images
Levothyroxine, or synthroid, could be a prescription medication that may facilitate those with thyroid issues lose weight. significantly, hypothyroidism could be a condition during which the thyroid gland produces an insufficient quantity of thyroid hormone. as a result of thyroid hormone helps to management metabolism, a decrease in thyroid hormone will slow metabolism and result in weight gain. thus, supplementation with levothyroxine will facilitate come metabolism back to baseline, that can result in weight loss.

step 1
create your doctor responsive to different medical conditions you've got or different medications that you're taking before taking levothyroxine. different medications could alter the effects of levothyroxine, or cause serious facet effects. request a pregnancy check before taking levothyroxine if there could be a likelihood you're pregnant

step 2
take levothyroxine daily with a full eight oz. glass of water. medicine. com states that levothyroxine will swell and get stuck within the throat, leading to choking and gagging. this medication ought to be taken within the morning half-hour before a meal.

step 3
await the load loss effects of levothyroxine to occur. it's going to take weeks for you to notice a modification in your weight. whereas waiting for levothyroxine to increase your natural metabolism, you'll supplement weight loss with dietary and exercise lifestyle changes.
tips and warnings
follow up together along with your doctor in one to 2 months to form certain levothyroxine is improving your symptoms of hypothyroidism.


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